Thursday, August 27, 2015

Encryption/Decryption in Android - Symmetric

We all have at some point in our life, have used encryption to prevent the misuse/illegal access of some confidential data.
Encryption is basically the process of encoding the data in such a way that only some authorized parties can decode it and read/process it.

There are two basic techniques of encrypting information:-
  • Symmetric Encryption

  • Asymmetric Encryption

What is Symmetric encryption?

Symmetric encryption is the oldest technique used for encrypting data, where a "SecretKey" is used to modify the original data in such a way that it can be recreated using the same SecretKey.
 The SecretKey could be any random set of characters, or numbers.

What is asymmetric encryption?

The problem with "Symmetric encryption" is that, the SecretKey needs to be kept in a safe place, or else if it is leaked, anyone can easily decrypt the information that you were trying to hide.
Suppose you wanted to encrypt a piece of information like your bank details using a SecretKey and you have to transfer this information to your family. Then while exchanging these information(encrypted message + SecretKey) over internet, you need to make sure that they dont fall into the hands of wrong people, or else they can easily get the actual piece of information you were trying to hide.So how do we prevent such cases?
Asymmetric encryption is the answer to such questions.
In Asymmetric encryption,  a pair of keys is used(public/private).
The public key is used for just encrypting the data and the private key is used for decrypting the data.So whoever has the public key can encrypt any piece of information using it, but only the person who has the private key, can decrypt the message.

 In this post we will deep dive into performing symmetric encryption in Android.

We need  following in order to perform encryption/decryption:-
a. SecretKey (javax.crypto), which is needed to perform both encryption and decryption
b.  KeyGenerator (javax.crypto), to generate the SecretKey
c. Algorithm type:- to be used by KeyGenerator to generate SecretKey(such as AES/DES)
d. Key_Length :- The size of the key in bits

Generate a SecretKey

SecretKey generateSecretKey() {
 SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
keyGenerator.init(256 , secureRandom);//use key size as 256

//generate the secretkey from the keygenerator
return  keyGenerator.generateKey();

The above function returns the SecretKey of 256 bit length, using AES algorithm.
Once the SecretKey is generated, save it to some secure storage.
However, in practice, the secretkey is not directly saved, rather its byte[] encoded form is saved.The byte[] encoded secret key by using the below method :-

byte[] generateSecretKey() {
 SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
keyGenerator.init(256 , secureRandom);//use key size as 256

//generate the secretkey from the keygenerator
SecretKey secretKey =  keyGenerator.generateKey();
return secretKey.getEncoded();

So this way, save the encoded secret key to a file and we will see now how to encrypt data using this generated SecretKey.But before that, we need to regenerate the SecretKey from its byte[] encoded form.This can be done by creating a SecretKeySpec object and using the same algorithm type, which was used during key generation.Following code illustrates this :-

byte[] encodedSecretKey = generateSecretKey();
SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(encodedSecretKey , "AES");

Encrypting Data using SecretKey

Encryption/Decryption is perfomed using Cipher(javax.crypto).

byte[] encryptData(SecretKey secretKey ,  byte[] originalData) {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE , secretKey);
return cipher.doFinal();

Decrypting Data using SecretKey

byte[] decryptData(SecretKey secretKey ,  byte[] modifedData) {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE , secretKey);
return cipher.doFinal();


Encrypting data :-

byte[] secretKey = generateKey();
byte[] encryptedMessage = encryptData(secretKey , "secret message".getBytes())

Decrypting data:-

byte[] secretKey = getSavedEncodedSecretKey();
byte[] decryptedMessage = decryptData(secretKey , encryptedMessage);


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